Saturday, June 4, 2011

That's toooo hot!!

Hey hey hey!  The weekend's here once again, but will surely pass too fast!
And don't know what it's like in your lil neck of the world, but it's DANG hot
here.  I checked the temp outside, to find it's 97 - in the shade!
That's way to hot for my over insulated self!  :P 

Summer hasn't even officially begun yet, and I'm overheating.
Well I do overheat most of the year.  Over insulated, and this menopause
thing doesn't make Mom a happy camper.  :(
I don't really remember the last time I had on a pair of pants all day inside
the house and have a fan in every room, even if snow is on the ground.
I didn't even bundle up when it was snowing this past winter.  I know
the neighbors thought I was the dork.  :P

Larry has been outside almost all day, he LOVES this kind of weather.
He decided he needs to check out our pontoon boat motor as it has an
unusual vibration.  (guys - gotta luv 'em).
He ran across another motor that is identical to the one we already have on
our boat to use for parts which has came in handy a couple of times, making up
for buying the 2nd one more than once.  Cha-ching.  :P

He discovered some sort of rod that runs thru the motor has wore away
and was amazed the motor hadn't fell off before now.

Now that wouldn't be a bit odd huh?  hehe!  We live within 2 miles of a
huge lake that is pretty much over run with (God luv 'em) tourists which
seem to take over the lake during the main summer months. 

All the so-called locals, usually stay out of town during the main summer holidays.

I could just see us now, lake covered up with all sorts of boats, jet ski's, etc, and us puttering right along and think we are out of gas, check and half our motor has been swallowed by the lake.  Geez!  Talk about a story.  Oh well, it's better to have went this way.  :) 

Well, now off to fix some dinner.  I am strongly thinking spaghetti and salads.  I know - carbs, carbs and carbs.  I will try to have a lot of salad first so that maybe my blood sugar won't  notice the carbs.  hehe!  It's worth a try to see if it works anyway.  :)

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